Concorde Part Two

Concorde Part Two

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Reviews 3

Brandon Connor

After Concorde Part One I thought that we would not learn much in Part Two - how wrong I was.

Roger and Dave really go to town on the information front.

There is so much to this aircraft. But it's great entertainment getting to know Concorde - what a truly beautiful airliner she really is.

The presentation by the crew on both Part One and Part Two is simply outstanding.

I loved seeing us reach Mach II - I felt I was with the crew on the jump seat.

Thanks ITVV for an outstanding programme.

The streaming service simply works without a hitch - brilliant.






Thanks to ITVV and the Crew


Layla Miller

I had the original Concorde Videos way back. So when ITVV annouced that we could now stream them I knew it was time to revisit an old friend.

Concorde is my "eye candy" of an aircraft. So elligent, powerful and stunning.

David and Roger are simply brilliant. They make understanding Concorde so straught forward. Not forgetting Les who minds the shop so to speak.

I have lost count of how many times I have watched this programme now but I never tire of watching it.

ITVV have clearly put some work into digitally enhancing this programme as the quality is amazing.

Part one is a must watch as well. You even get the chance to be close and personal outside the hanger with G-BOAF
